You Need More Motivation

The self-help space has capitalized greatly on the perspective that Discipline is the holy grail to success.

In fact, if I had a nickel for every time someone said “you don’t need motivation to be successful, focus only on discipline”, I’d be rich!

But is this true?

Is Discipline the only thing someone needs to be successful?

The Answer: No.

But what even is motivation?

Motivation Defined

(1)Healthdirect defines motivation as:

the drive to achieve your goals or needs

What is it influenced by?

  • How much you want the goal
  • What you will gain
  • What you will lose from not achieving your goal
  • Your personal expectations

Discipline, however is defined as:

“Self-control that is gained by requiring that rules or orders be obeyed, and the ability to keep working at something that is difficult.”

Is is quite obvious, that self-help gurus have absolutely no idea what motivation even is. In fact, they seem to confuse motivation with discipline quite often.

Motivation Is Not A Bad Thing

People generally understand that Discipline is the force allowing them to push through difficulties, no matter how hard or challenging things become.

What they fail to realize however, is that the only reason they keep pushing toward their goals is because they are expecting their hard work to yield results.

In case you don't understand, this is basically motivation lol.

People use motivation all of the time without realizing it.

In fact, discipline just simply doesn't work if you're not motivated.

Motivation is more than just "Oh, I don't feel like getting out of the bed today because I don't have the desire to accomplish my goals."

The very fact that someone pushes themselves to do anything at all, is itself motivation.

But the hard work aspect is the discipline part.

Discipline is the outward force manifesting the motivational force from within.

There can't be one without the other.

Finding A Balance

Life is difficult when you're not striving to find balance within.

In fact, motivation & discipline work together, and that balance is what I call "Resonance".

Resonance is a very abstract term.

It basically means that something is in harmony.

Balance is essentially a harmonious experience when 2 seemingly opposing forces meet together to produce some positive effect.

Think of Discipline as a restricting force.

Not as something holding you back, but as something that feels a tad bit painful. Because we understand that pushing through obstacles in life can indeed be a painful experience.

Now think of Motivation as an expanding force.

Motivation needs room to breathe so it must expand in order for any action to take place.

But Discipline is necessary to properly restrain it and push it in the right direction.

Without this constant balancing act, you will neither be motivated or disciplined enough to accomplish anything in life.

When a state of resonance has been achieved, you will then unlock something called the "Flow" state.

Until Next Week

Tune in next week to learn more about this "Flow" state and how it can help you maintain the perfect balance between Motivation & Discipline.

John O


The Mental Millionaire Blueprint

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